Unlocking Potential: Business Resources
The Office of Castle Pines Economic Development supports and enhances the growth and development of businesses in Castle Pines, Colorado. We are committed to providing resources and information that businesses need to thrive in our community. Whether you are starting a new business or looking to expand an existing one, our resources can help you achieve your goals.
City Resources
State Resources
My Biz
The fastest way to register a business in Colorado.
Job Growth Incentive Tax Credit
Tax credit information for businesses considering interstate competitive expansion or relocation projects in Colorado.
Strategic Fund Incentive
Supports and encourages new businesses in Colorado.
Connecting Colorado
Provides assistance to both job seekers and employers by connecting them to each other.
Colorado Small Business Center
Offers assistance with licenses, permits, and other information needed to start a business in Colorado.
State Incentives
A variety of resources for new and existing businesses.
Small Business Learning Tracks
Free online learning by small business topic.